Thursday, August 21, 2008

No Place Like (Linux)

You know that little thing called a hosts file? Did you know that it can help PROTECT you??? I was referred to this site:
They have a HUGE list of sites that you probably want to block.

Well, guess what... I wrote a little script that will auto-magically update my local list every day. :)

#! /bin/bash

getcurl=`curl -s`
cutcurl=`echo "$getcurl" | grep -v localhost | grep -v \# | fgrep ""`
echo " localhost" > /etc/hosts
echo "# This hosts file downloaded from:" >> /etc/hosts
echo "# Update of this file is based on a daily schedule." >> /etc/hosts
echo "$cutcurl" >> /etc/hosts

Now, make it so you can run it:
chmod 700

Then add a line to your crontab:
crontab -e
0 3 * * * /usr/local/bin/ (or wherever you put it)

BUT WAIT!!! A site I visit is being blocked!!
Thats ok, no one liked it anyway. Just Kidding!
Change this line:
cutcurl=`echo "$getcurl" | grep -v localhost | grep -v \# | fgrep ""`
To look like this:
cutcurl=`echo "$getcurl" | grep -v localhost | grep -v \# | fgrep "" | grep -i -v [name of site]`
Got another site you want to un-block? Add another exception:
cutcurl=`echo "$getcurl" | grep -v localhost | grep -v \# | fgrep "" | grep -i -v [name of site] | grep -i -v [name of site]`
(You get the idea).

Happy Browsing!!

EDIT: Updated to make sure all hostnames are pointing to That way if someone made a type or if someone tried to submit a site and got an address besides it wouldn't make it to your hosts file anyway. On a side note, this list makes it so if you already have malware that is messing with your hosts file, it won't anymore as you are overwriting it! :)

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