Thursday, August 16, 2007

Note - Shell Scripting

Ok, so I love to shell script. I am no programmer.... wait.... I love to shell script. Does that count toward being a programmer? ha I am going to post some of my shell scripts, that will probably be updated with new features anyway so you may see the same script a few times (each time with new features... or maybe I will just update old posts... who knows).

I take NO responsibility for what you do with these scripts. They are intended for educational purposes ONLY. I use these for making my life at work easier. If you choose to use them another way you will most likely get caught and go to jail.

I will try to remember to put some sort of disclaimer on my code when I post but if I forget, consider this your warning. If you like the code or have suggestions, please let me know. I am always interested in cool ways to make my shell scripts better.

Now, for you programmers. You may see something I am doing and say ''You could do that a lot easier in ___ language instead of shell.'' Well DUH. Again, I am not a programmer. Consider this too... You are logged onto a remote system and want to run the uber-cool script you wrote to make your life a whole lot easier. Whats faster? Copying shell script or having to make sure you have ___ compiler on the remote system and then somehow getting it to work? I will go for a shell script I can copy off the machine I am typing on and have it running in a matter of a few minutes instead of a lot longer.

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