Friday, August 17, 2007

Tool - Hydra / Hydra GTK

This is just a note I made.
Please visit the start of the mini-series here:

Ok, so this is a tool thats WELL KNOWN by the penetration community (no, not a condom! ha). Hydra is a freaking fast tool that you can use to brute force, dictionary, etc. a target. Normal Hydra is used via the command line and Hydra GTK is a UI version. For learning how to use it I recommend the UI as it will get you going quickly. You will be loosing some CPU cycles to the GUI environment but I will leave it up to you to decide if really makes a difference. At the base of Hydra GTK is the command to run Hydra from the command line. So if you are using a password file against one username, it will display how to run what your running in the UI, from the CLI.

Here is the site:

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